# Copyright Oughtibridge Ltd
digraph "sociotechnical_ecosystem"
# label="sociotechnical ecosystem"
size="8.8 12" # Keep within 8.8" wide, 12" deep
node [shape=box style=rounded] # Defines the common node specification
# Diagram specific parameters - override any above
# Start of the main graph
# List of concepts
#sociotechnical ecosystem
59 [label="sociotechnical ecosystem" fontname="Cambria" URL="https://81001.org/concept/sociotechnical_ecosystem" tooltip="complex ‘ecosystem’ or ‘sociotechnical system’ environment where the software is tightly integrated with other systems, technologies, infrastructure, and domains (people, organizations and external environments) and where it is configured to support local clinical and business processes" color="#ff0700"]
60 [label="system" fontname="Cambria" URL="https://81001.org/concept/system" tooltip="combination of interacting elements organized to achieve one or more stated purposes" color="#ff0700"]
60 [label="system" fontname="Cambria" URL="https://81001.org/concept/system" tooltip="combination of interacting elements organized to achieve one or more stated purposes" color="#ff0700"]
60 [label="system" fontname="Cambria" URL="https://81001.org/concept/system" tooltip="combination of interacting elements organized to achieve one or more stated purposes" color="#ff0700"]
26 [label="implementation" fontname="Cambria" URL="https://81001.org/concept/implementation" tooltip="life cycle phase at the end of which the hardware, software and procedures of the system considered become operational" color="#a74d00"]
#sociotechnical ecosystem
59 [label="sociotechnical ecosystem" fontname="Cambria" URL="https://81001.org/concept/sociotechnical_ecosystem" tooltip="complex ‘ecosystem’ or ‘sociotechnical system’ environment where the software is tightly integrated with other systems, technologies, infrastructure, and domains (people, organizations and external environments) and where it is configured to support local clinical and business processes" color="#ff0700"]
#system owner
61 [label="system owner" fontname="Cambria" URL="https://81001.org/concept/system_owner" tooltip="senior executive accountable for ensuring the health IT system being acquired and implemented will meet their organization’s healthcare delivery services needs for its intended use" color="#02f4ff"]
#cloud service
8 [label="cloud service" fontname="Cambria" URL="https://81001.org/concept/cloud_service" tooltip="one or more capabilities offered via cloud computing invoked using a defined interface" color="#ff0700"]
65 [label="user" fontname="Cambria" URL="https://81001.org/concept/user" tooltip="person using the system for a health-related purpose" color="#02f4ff"]
#life cycle
33 [label="life cycle" fontname="Cambria" URL="https://81001.org/concept/life_cycle" tooltip="series of all phases in the life of a product or system, from the initial conception to final decommissioning and disposal" color="#ff0700"]
75 [label="interoperability" fontname="Cambria" URL="https://81001.org/concept/Concept_75" tooltip="ability of two or more systems or components to exchange information and to use the information that has been exchanged" color="#ff0700"]
#reasonably foreseeable misuse
76 [label="reasonably foreseeable misuse" fontname="Cambria" URL="https://81001.org/concept/reasonably_foreseeable_misuse" tooltip="use of a product or system in a way not intended by the manufacturer, but which can result from readily predictable human behaviour" color="#a7ff00"]
3 [label="asset" fontname="Cambria" URL="https://81001.org/concept/asset" tooltip="physical or digital entity that has value to an individual, an organization or a government" color="#ff0700"]
3 [label="asset" fontname="Cambria" URL="https://81001.org/concept/asset" tooltip="physical or digital entity that has value to an individual, an organization or a government" color="#ff0700"]
9 [label="component" fontname="Cambria" URL="https://81001.org/concept/component" tooltip="collection of system resources that (a) forms a physical or logical part of the system, (b) has specified functions and interfaces, and (c) is treated (e.g., by policies or specifications) as existing independently of other parts of the system." color="#ff0700"]
17 [label="harm" fontname="Cambria" URL="https://81001.org/concept/harm" tooltip="injury or damage to the health of people, or damage to property or the environment" color="#a7ff00"]
#security capability
57 [label="security capability" fontname="Cambria" URL="https://81001.org/concept/security_capability" tooltip="broad category of technical, administrative or organizational controls to manage risks to confidentiality, integrity, availability and accountability of data and systems" color="#a74d00"]
#health IT infrastructure
21 [label="health IT infrastructure" fontname="Cambria" URL="https://81001.org/concept/health_IT_infrastructure" tooltip="combined set of IT assets available to the individual or organization for developing, configuring, integrating, maintaining, and using IT services and supporting health, patient care and other organizational objectives" color="#ff0700"]
#List of generalisations and specialisations
#system IS A asset
3 -> 60 [arrowtail="onormal" dir="back" color="blue" label="" tooltip="system is a type of asset" fontname="Cambria"]
#sociotechnical ecosystem IS A system
60 -> 59 [arrowtail="onormal" dir="back" color="blue" label="" tooltip="sociotechnical ecosystem is a type of system" fontname="Cambria"]
# List of associations
#1 asset has part 0..* component
3 -> 9 [constraint=false, dir="forward" label="has part" fontname="Cambria"]
#0..* harm damages 0..* asset
17 -> 3 [constraint=false, dir="forward" label="damages" fontname="Cambria"]
#1 implementation implements 1 system
26 -> 60 [constraint=false, dir="forward" label="implements" fontname="Cambria"]
#0..* security capability manage security risk to 0..* asset
57 -> 3 [constraint=false, dir="forward" label="manage security risk to" fontname="Cambria"]
#1 system has part 1 sociotechnical ecosystem
60 -> 59 [constraint=false, dir="forward" label="has part" fontname="Cambria"]
#1 system owner owns 1..* system
61 -> 60 [constraint=false, dir="forward" label="owns" fontname="Cambria"]
#0..* system has part 0..* cloud service
60 -> 8 [constraint=false, dir="forward" label="has part" fontname="Cambria"]
#0..* user uses 1..* system
65 -> 60 [constraint=false, dir="forward" label="uses" fontname="Cambria"]
#0..* health IT infrastructure comprises 1..* asset
21 -> 3 [constraint=false, dir="forward" label="comprises" fontname="Cambria"]
#0..* system has 0..* life cycle
60 -> 33 [constraint=false, dir="forward" label="has" fontname="Cambria"]
#0..* component participates in 0..* interoperability
9 -> 75 [constraint=false, dir="forward" label="participates in" fontname="Cambria"]
#0..* system participates in 0..* interoperability
60 -> 75 [constraint=false, dir="forward" label="participates in" fontname="Cambria"]
#0..* reasonably foreseeable misuse applies to 0..* system
76 -> 60 [constraint=false, dir="forward" label="applies to" fontname="Cambria"]
#0..* user may undertake 0..* reasonably foreseeable misuse
65 -> 76 [constraint=false, dir="forward" label="may undertake" fontname="Cambria"]
Some PS
Simple graph - sociotechnical ecosystem