# Copyright Oughtibridge Ltd
digraph "risk_analysis"
# label="risk analysis"
size="8.8 12" # Keep within 8.8" wide, 12" deep
node [shape=box style=rounded] # Defines the common node specification
# Diagram specific parameters - override any above
# Start of the main graph
# List of concepts
#risk analysis
46 [label="risk analysis" fontname="Cambria" URL="https://81001.org/concept/risk_analysis" tooltip="systematic use of available information to identify hazards and to estimate the risk" color="#a7ff00"]
45 [label="risk" fontname="Cambria" URL="https://81001.org/concept/risk" tooltip="combination of the probability of occurrence of harm and the severity of that harm" color="#a7ff00"]
18 [label="hazard" fontname="Cambria" URL="https://81001.org/concept/hazard" tooltip="potential source of harm" color="#a7ff00"]
#risk assessment
47 [label="risk assessment" fontname="Cambria" URL="https://81001.org/concept/risk_assessment" tooltip="overall process comprising a risk analysis and a risk evaluation" color="#a7ff00"]
#risk management
51 [label="risk management" fontname="Cambria" URL="https://81001.org/concept/risk_management" tooltip="systematic application of management policies, procedures and practices to the tasks of analysing, evaluating, controlling and monitoring risk" color="#a7ff00"]
#List of generalisations and specialisations
#risk analysis IS A risk management
51 -> 46 [arrowtail="onormal" dir="back" color="blue" label="" tooltip="risk analysis is a type of risk management" fontname="Cambria"]
# List of associations
#1 risk analysis estimates 1 risk
46 -> 45 [constraint=false, dir="forward" label="estimates" fontname="Cambria"]
#1 risk analysis identifies 0..* hazard
46 -> 18 [constraint=false, dir="forward" label="identifies" fontname="Cambria"]
#1 risk assessment has part 1 risk analysis
47 -> 46 [constraint=false, dir="forward" label="has part" fontname="Cambria"]
#0..* risk management monitors 0..* risk
51 -> 45 [constraint=false, dir="forward" label="monitors" fontname="Cambria"]
Some PS
Simple graph - risk analysis