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Headings break the topic or article up and provide a structure for the reader. Each heading starts with between 1 and 6 # marks, followed by one space. In general the top level heading should be level 2, leaving level 1 for the page's main title.

# Heading 1

## Heading 2

##### Heading 5


Formatting can be added inline to a document by surrounding with formatting characters. There should not be any spaces between the formatting characters and the text to be formatted.

*single asterisks* single asterisks

_single underscores_ single underscores

**double asterisks** double asterisks

__double underscores__ double underscores

This website also supports additional formatting:

~~strike through~~ strike through

~Subscript~ Subscript

^Superscript^ Superscript

++ Inserted++ Inserted

==Marked== Marked

Markdown supports two style of links: inline and reference.

In both styles, the link text is delimited by square brackets.

To create an inline link, use a set of regular parentheses immediately after the link text’s closing square bracket. Inside the parentheses, put the URL where you want the link to point, along with an optional title for the link, surrounded in quotes. For example:

This is [an example](http://example.com/ "Title") inline link. This is an example inline link.

[This link](http://example.net/) has no title attribute. This link has no title attribute.

Reference-style links use a second set of square brackets, inside which you place a label of your choosing to identify the link:

This is [an example][id] reference-style link. This is [an example][id] reference-style link.

You can optionally use a space to separate the sets of brackets:

This is [an example] [id] reference-style link. This is [an example] [id] reference-style link.

Then, anywhere in the document, you define your link label like this, on a line by itself: '[id]: http://example.com/ “Optional Title Here”`

That is: Square brackets containing the link identifier (optionally indented from the left margin using up to three spaces);

followed by a colon;

followed by one or more spaces (or tabs);

followed by the URL for the link;

optionally followed by a title attribute for the link, enclosed in double or single quotes, or enclosed in parentheses.

The following three link definitions are equivalent:

[foo]: http://example.com/ "Optional Title Here" [foo]: http://example.com/ “Optional Title Here”

[foo]: http://example.com/ 'Optional Title Here' [foo]: http://example.com/ ‘Optional Title Here’

[foo]: http://example.com/ (Optional Title Here) [foo]: http://example.com/ (Optional Title Here)


A footer equivalent to a block quote parsing but starts with double character ^^

^^ This is a footer

^^ multi-line

This is a footer


A cite is working like an emphasis but using the double character “”

This is a ""citation of someone""

This is a citation of someone

A URL without additional markup will automatically convert to a link however they will not include a title (tooltip) or display text

Visit https://oddsends.org.uk now!

Visit https://oddsends.org.uk now!


Images are handled in the same way as links, with an exclamation mark prefix

![An image](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a9/Inkscape_icons_draw_polygon.svg "A title to this image") An image

This website also supports wrapping images to form a figure with three or more caret marks at the beginning of the first and last line

^^^ An image
![An image](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a9/Inkscape_icons_draw_polygon.svg "A title to this image")
An image

An image

![An image](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a9/Inkscape_icons_draw_polygon.svg "A title to this image")
^^^ An image`

An image

An image


Media links, such as sound files, video files and links to online media sites such as YouTube, are handled in the same way as images.

![The Greenwich pips](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/transcoded/0/0f/Gts_%28bbc%29_pips.ogg/Gts_%28bbc%29_pips.ogg.mp3)

Published on Sunday, May 17, 2020 by Nicholas O